
Les cuento : 

Tengo días queriendo dibujar de nuevo pero entre una cosa y otra no he tenido chance pues en estas vacaciones me he dedicado a puro limpiar, sacar cosas viejas, botar lo que no sirve, apartar  para dar, etc ,etc.., así que no he tenido la calma de sentarme a hacer unos trazos. 

Sin embargo anoche, agarre una hoja de papel y los lapices.. y de memoria me puse a hacer unos trazos con el lápiz .. estaba tratando de hacer el rostro de Michael..pero de mi cabeza. Le hice su cabello rizado (el de las presentaciones claro ) y bueno deje el dibujito  ahí sobre mi mesa. 

Luego me puse a otras cosas.. era tarde, pero me pase  revisando las noticias en mi muro y lo que los demás han ido posteando hasta que de pronto me tropecé con una foto muy particular .. ! me quede mirando la foto.. y pensé.. : no se por que esta foto me recuerda algo.. e incrédula.. me di cuenta que  aunque no es exacta, la foto se daba un aire a mi dibujo.. o .. digamos que mi dibujo se daba un aire a la foto... Me quede pensativa.. Quizás es el ángulo en el cual dibuje el rostro..  quizás .. tal vez!

Entonces le tome una foto al dibujo original y luego me puse a cambiarle el cabello para que se pareciera mas a la foto.. , es decir prácticamente lo que hice fue cambiar la forma del cabello.. 

Cosas locas mías.. no? o estoy delirando.. jaja

Debo pedir disculpas por la calidad de las imágenes pues les tome fotos con mi celular.. y al editarlas los trazos del lápiz no se ven nítidos..

Nunca jamas...otro como tu

A raiz de tantas cosas.. y tantos acontecimientos, viendo lo que va pasando en el devenir de este juicio contra el Dr Conrad Murray en el caso por la muerte de Michael,  me ha llevado a ciertos pensamientos, y en parte aun con ese sentimiento de perdida que todos los que estamos en esta causa sentimos.. , no deja de maravillarme. 

Veo mi muro de Facebook,  donde tengo mi grupo de amigos a quien he llamado para distinguirlos: My Michael Jackson's family. Ahi esta toda esa gente de los mas inusitados puntos cardinales, de colores y razas diversas, de creencias religiosas diversas, de lenguas diversas (gracias al ingles en el que todos podemos comunicarnos) que conforman ese grupo particular de personas que seguimos al señor Michael JAckson. 

Quizas, el resto de las personas no nos vean con buenos ojos, Quizas nos vean como un poco "locos" , "fanaticos" y no se que mas adjetivos posibles.Algunos creen que somos gente poco seria o que somos una sarta de infantiles.

 Lo que pasa es que esas personas en realidad  nunca podran ni entender ni saber ni aceptar,  porque no han deseado hacerlo y porque simplemente se han colocado unas gringolas para NO ver. No les interesa!  Solo  juzgan, se burlan y critican, repitiendo cosas dichas en los medios (muchas veces falsas o equivocas). Ese  "resto del mundo" solo sabe criticar y demonizar a Michael, pero en ningun  momento se han puesto a leer, averiguar e investigar de verdad y a profundidad , antes de abrir la boca y afirmar hechos. 
Sin embargo , Se les respeta su decisión.

Pero asi mismo nosotros  pedimos que se nos respete la nuestra.

Entre todo ese Universo de seguidores alrededor del mundo (no uso mucho la palabra FAN ya que no me parece tan seria),habemos personas de todas las edades y profesiones: amas de casa, estudiantes, abogados, medicos, maestros, ingenieros, terapistas, etc , etc.. Hay Abuelas, Abuelos, gente adulta contemporanea, jovenes que por su edad apenas han podido ver en vida a Michael pero que simplemente han quedado enamorados de  su musica y su persona. Y que me dicen de los mas chiquillos? como es posible que chiquillos que eran unos bebes hace apenas  unos pocos años , donde aun Michael vivia pero  no estaba presente  en un espectaculo, puedan seguirlo y de paso aprender sus pasos como si lo hubieran visto desde el momento de su gestacion? 

Como es esto posible? 

Aunque me tilden de loca.. mi reflexion me lleva a pensar que algo tuvo que tener el señor Michael Jackson quien en vida, y aun, mas alla de la muerte.. sigue siendo  seguido, admirado y QUERIDO.

Me impresiona ver la fuerza y el movimiento de todos los foros y grupos de fans de Michael, inmersos en diferentes luchas y causas. Hemos visto en estos dos ultimos años que  cuando  algo no es correcto ,los fans de Michael se unen y la fuerza es tal que han  llevado a cabo logros como el restaurar  su nombre en el auditorio de la escuela Green en Los Angeles, o detener funestos  programas de TV que se iban a transmitir .. llegando a ser totalmente bloqueados? 

No creo equivocarme al mencionar que hasta la fecha no ha habido  NINGUN artista que deje tras de si , esta inmensa fuerza: sus fans y admiradores. Nosotros no somos simples admiradores  .. como pueden ser los admiradores de cualquier otro artista. Nosotros somos los admiradores de Michael JAckson  y  ya el mundo ha visto lo que  unidos somos capaces de lograr.
Estamos vigilantes en todas partes.. en cualquier rincon del mundo. Cuando una noticia negativa o FALSA es publicada en algun medio de algun lugar de la Tierra..  de manera casi inmediata Todos tenemos conocimiento de la misma y todos ponemos en marcha una accion , con las herramientas que tengamos : enviando protestas escritas. Enviando correos o firmando peticiones ! todo con el fin de poner las cosas en su lugar cuando lo que  se dice es incorrecto o peor aun , cuando lo que se dice cae en la burla y desconocimiento.

Somos una fuerza.. y lo seguiremos siendo.. 

Ya bastante burlado , criticado y diezmado fue Michael Jackson a lo largo de su vida para que aun sigan irrespetandolo  despues de su muerte. Esto es algo que no permitiremos y  usaremos todas las armas de las que dispongamos  para evitarlo. 
Por desgracia, tuvimos que ser testigos y ver fotos de el, de su autopsia, algo que de verdad fue triste y doloroso para toda esta enorme comunidad  conformada por millones en el mundo. No pudimos y aun no podemos comprender como es posible que  la foto de su cuerpo sin vida , del que fuera el mas grande artista de todos los tiempos, haya rodado todos los medios,  en todas las formas posibles, siendo en muchos casos, blanco de burlas grotescas. 

Sin ir muy lejos.. alguien en Facebook abrio un perfil donde se incitaba a odiar a Michael y cuya foto de perfil era esa triste foto del cadaver que todos vimos.
A donde puede llegar alguien con una mente tan enferma? 
Por que se le niega un poco de dignidad al señor Jackson? 
Les gustaria a alguno de ustedes ver a algun familiar querido casi desnudo , expuesto de esta manera a los ojos del mundo entero?
realmente fue algo grotesco.. triste .. de verdad algo que nos toco a todos muy hondo.

Insisto que aca no se trata de idolatrar o venerar a un  artista que dio tanto de su vida.. 45 años de carrera artistica y humanitaria.. no se dicen facilmente. Michael como cualquiera de nosotros, era una persona con sus defectos e inseguridades, quizas el precio que tuvo que pagar por la fama que obtuvo desde temprana edad..
Ya sabemos que esa fue la UNICA VIDA que el conocio. Debemos juzgarlo por sus defectos? son tan pesados estos que  a muchos no les deja ver su verdadera esencia ? su verdadero corazon ? su humanidad  y  eterna preocupacion por el mundo, por el planeta y por la infancia enferma o  necesitada?  

Siempre me enfurecere cuando alguien le critica por su apariencia , y sus "supuestas" miles de cirugias.. Si miran bien en Hollywood.. con tan solo "googlearlo" veran que hay casos mil veces peores que el de el. Pero como se trata de Michael Jackson.......
A la final esto es irrelevante. 
A la final el era dueño de su dinero y de hacer lo que viniera en gana con ese dinero que se gano con su arduo  trabajo.

Lo que SI  hay que poner en claro .. que asi  como el "resto  del mundo" le critica sus gustos , gastos o cambios fisicos, hay que RECORDARLES la inmensa cantidad de dinero que el señor Michael Jackson dono a diversas y multiples causas.

Hasta casi el final de sus dias, el siempre  busco ayudar en algo si su fama servia para eso, como el caso que coloque dias atras en mi muro que quizas muchos  ni leyeron, sobre las dos chicas norteamericanas Laura y Euna que aun se encuentran en Corea del Norte , presas quizas en algun campo de trabajos forzados.. sin que ahora se sepa mucho de ellas cumpliendo una injusta condena . Michael solo 3 semanas antes de su muerte estaba averiguando la manera de hacer algo y de ser necesario hablar con el  presidente  de ese pais Kim Jong para interceder en la liberacion de esas dos chicas.. Mas aun se angustio Michael al saber que una de ellas tenia un bebe de 4 años..
EL queria ayudar .. lastima  que no tuvo  tiempo para hacerlo. 

Recuerdan durante el juicio, la tristemente famosa grabacion que le hiciera "su doctor".... donde Michael , con una voz visiblemente alterada por la influencia de alguna sustancia, solo  pensaba en que con This is It , obtendria el dinero necesario para construir el mas grande hospital del mundo ? el Hospital de Niños Michael Jackson ??
Nos dimos cuenta que estaba dopado.. pero aun asi,  su corazon hablaba porque en ese estado es dificil decir algo diferente a la verdad.. Su ultima voluntad era ese sueño.  Y este se vio truncado un 25 de junio del 2009. 

Cosas como estas y anecdotas de esta indole las hay varias.. pero que el "resto del mundo"  poco conoce...
Me limito a repetir lo que Kenny Ortega, Director de los conciertos This is IT dijo en una oportunidad:

"He was  An Angel walking on Earth"
 y asi fue, y asi lo aseguran las personas que estuvieron cerca de el ...
El fue humano, muy humano,  pero desde luego.. Nunca jamas habra otro como el.. 

Rest in Peace Angel

Gisela Conte
19 de octubre de 2011

"Gracias por vuestra lealtad, 
Gracias por siempre estar a mi lado,
en mi hora mas oscura,
en el abismo de mi  desesperacion
ustedes son mi sobrevivencia

Por favor, recuerden a los niños...
Ayudenme a ayudar a los niños..

Michael Jackson

sábado, 19 de mayo de 2012



En el lenguaje popular, el término excentricidad se utiliza para designar el comportamiento extraño o inusual de un individuo. Este comportamiento suele ser frecuentemente percibido como inusual o innecesario por los demás, aunque no tiene por qué entrar en disonancia con la adaptación social del sujeto. La excentricidad contrasta frente al "comportamiento normal".

La excentricidad a menudo está asociada con la genialidad, la superdotación y la creatividad. El comportamiento excéntrico del individuo es percibido como la expresión de su inteligencia única o su impulso creativo. Por lo tanto, la forma de actuar de una persona excéntrica suele ser incomprensible no porque sea ilógica o resultado de su locura, sino porque proviene de una mente tan original que no puede ajustarse a las convenciones sociales.
 En las palabras de Edith Sitwell:

“La excentricidad no es, como se suele pensar, una forma de locura. Habitualmente es una clase de orgullo inocente, tanto el genio como el aristócrata a menudo son recordados como excéntricos porque ambos actúan sin temor y no son influenciados por las opiniones y los caprichos de la muchedumbre.”

Por supuesto, Michael Jackson era un excéntrico porque quizás no mantenía el comportamiento que se esperaba de un artista de éxito, no era normal. ¿Por qué? Porque no era un promiscuo mujeriego a la usanza, porque no salía de juergas nocturnas con colegas, porque nunca se le vio borracho, porque no pateó o insultó a ningún reportero impertinente, porque hablaba muy suave, porque mantuvo su vida privada lejos de la prensa, porque temía por la seguridad de sus hijos y les ponía máscaras, porque tenía el dinero suficiente para montar en su casa un parque y un zoológico, porque le gustaba ingenuamente rodearse de niños para sentirse seguro sin miedo a ser traicionado, porque no quería envejecer, porque tenía una enfermedad crónica que le obligó a no poder estar expuesto directamente al sol, porque ocultaba su rostro con gafas de sol y mascarillas para ser dueño de su imagen y mostrarse sólo cuando le diera la gana.

No, todas estas cosas no se podían permitir, él tenía que ser “normal” o lo que es igual para muchos: puto, alcohólico, juerguista, machote y drogadicto. ¡Viva la excentricidad!

[MyM Hamonns, la casi excéntrica]

post original por MyM Hammons

sábado, 28 de abril de 2012

sábado, 31 de marzo de 2012

Never another one like you ...

As a result of so many things and so many events, seeing what is happening during this lawsuit against Dr. Conrad Murray in the case of Michael's death, has led me to certain thoughts, and partly even with that sense of loss that all of us in this cause we feel, they still amaze me. 

I see my Facebook wall, where I have my group of friends who have I called to distinguish them: "My Michael Jackson's family". There are people of the most unusual corners of the planet, colors and different races, different religious beliefs, ages and languages ​​(English, thanks to which we can all communicate) that make up that particular group of people who follow Mister Michael Jackson.

Maybe, other people do not look kindly to us. Perhaps they see us as a bit "crazy", "fanatics", "geeks" or who knows what other possible adjectives. Some believe that we're not serious or that we are childish, or just missed the right.

 What happens is that these people will never be able to even understand or get to accept, because they have not wanted to, and because they have simply placed bandages over their eyes, to NOT see. They are simply not interested! They judge, mock and criticize, repeating things said in the media (mostly false or wrong).

Those are the ones who just criticize and demonize Michael, but didn’t take the time to do some research, read, learn and investigate the truth in depth, before opening his mouth and state facts. 

However, we do respect their decision.
But just the same we ask that they respect ours! 

Amidst all this universe of followers worldwide (I don’t like much the use of the word FAN since I personally have never liked it) Here we are, people of all ages and professions: housewives, students, lawyers, doctors, teachers, engineers, therapists, etc., etc.  Grandmothers, Grandfathers, adult contemporary people, also the younger people that at their age have only seen Michael alive just recently  but who have simply fallen in love with his music and himself.  And what to say about the little ones?  How is that possible that kids who were just babies few years ago, even Michael not being in the spotlight as before, can follow and learn on his footsteps as if they had seen  him since the time of gestation? How is this possible? 

Although I could be labelled as crazy, my reflection leads me to believe that something had to have Mr. Michael Jackson who in life, yet, beyond death, is still followed, admired and loved all over the World, still keeping his memory alive.
I am impressed about the force and the movement of all forums and groups of followers of Michael, engaged in different struggles and causes. We have seen in these last two years that when something is not right, Michael's fans come together and the force is such that achievements have been made as to restore his name in the Green School Auditorium in Los Angeles, or stop fatal TV programs which claimed to represent the singer's autopsy. I do not think wrong to mention that to date there has been no artist who leaves behind him, this great power: his fans and admirers. We are not mere fans like fans of any other artist. We are fans of Michael Jackson and now the world has seen what we can achieve together. 

We are vigilant everywhere, in any corner of the world. When a negative or false story is published in any medium any place in the world, almost immediately everyone has knowledge of it and we all put in place an action with the tools we have: by sending written protests,sending emails or signing petitions. Everything that can be done in order to put things in place when what is said is wrong or worse, when what is said falls into ridicule and ignorance towards Mr. Jackson. 
We are a force, yes and it will remain so for sure. 
Already quite mocked, criticized, Michael Jackson was decimated throughout its life to continuously  unrespect him even after his death. This is something that we will not allow and will use all weapons at our disposal to prevent it.
Unfortunately, we had to witness and see pictures of him, his autopsy, which was really sad and painful for all of this huge community formed by millions worldwide. We could not and still cannot understand how it is possible that the picture of his lifeless body, who was the greatest artist of all time, has run all means, in every way possible, and in many cases, whit grotesque mockery. 
Without going too far.. Someone opened a Facebook profile inciting to hate Michael, whose profile picture was that sad picture we all saw:  the corpse. How can someone have such a mind so sick? Why is denied a little dignity to Mr. Jackson?

Would they like to see a family member almost naked, so exposed to the eyes of the world? Really? it was something grotesque.. Sad.. And I wonder sometimes that means make use of something to sell. They have simply lost respect for the dead and a human being.

 I insist that here, we don't want to idolize or worship an artist who gave so much of his life, 45 years of artistic career and humanitarian efforts.  Though, this is not something to be underestimated. Michael as any of us was a person with his flaws and insecurities, but perhaps that was the price he paid for the fame he gained from an early age. We know that that was the only life he knew.
We must treat him for his faults?  Are these so heavy that many do not let them see his true essence? His true heart? His humanity and eternal concern for our World, the planet and for the sick or needy children?
I always fly into a rage when someone criticizes his appearance, and his "alleged" thousands of surgeries.. If you just Google a bit,  in Hollywood you  will see that there are for instance thousand times worse plastic surgeries  than his. But since this is Michael Jackson he will be always criticized.
In the end this is irrelevant...In the end he earned his money with hard work and could do whatever he wanted with it... isn't it? 

To put things right, if that "rest of the world"  keeps criticizing his taste, expenses  or  assumed physical changes, then  we must remind that people, of the vast amount of money that Mr. Michael Jackson donated to various and multiple causes and charities. Until nearly the end of his days he always tried to help, if his fame served for a good cause. There is a recent example of this ,when he was told about the two American girls, Laura and Euna who are still in North Korea, perhaps at some concentration or hard work camp, serving an unjust sentence. Michael, just 3 weeks before his death, was looking to do something and if necessary, try to talk with the president of that country: Kim Jong, to  intercede in the release of those two women. Moreover, Michael was so distressed to learn that one of them had a 4 years old baby. He wanted to help. Pity he did not have time to do it.
Do you remember, during the trial, that heartbreaking recording that the "doctor" made of him.... where Michael, in a noticeably altered voice under the influence of some substance, just thought that with This Is It, he would obtain the money needed to build the largest hospital in the world? Michael Jackson Children's Hospital We realized that he was doped.. But still, his heart spoke in that state because it is difficult to say something other than the truth... 
His last will was that dream. And this was cut short that day: June 25, 2009.

There are a lot of anecdotes of this kind but unfortunately the "rest of the world" had little knowledge of them ...
I'm just repeating what Kenny Ortega, director of This Is It concerts once said: “He was An Angel walking on Earth"
he was, and so it was said by  people who were close to  him..
it was something about him that people felt when they met him or got close to him.. 

He was human, very human, but for sure, we will never have another like him... 

Rest in Peace Angel
Gisela Conte
October 19, 2011

lunes, 12 de marzo de 2012

Michael Jackson Slept Here - News & Features (washingtonian.com)

Michael Jackson Slept Here

At a difficult time in his life, the King of Pop was looking for a safe haven—and wound up at our house.
By Del Walters    Published Wednesday, July 22, 2009

On his final night in Loudoun County, Jackson hosted a gathering at the house, where he introduced his three children to the Walters family and posed with Taylor, 15, McClaine, 13, and their mother, Robin. All photographs courtesy of Del Walters

This is the story of how Michael Jackson—the King of Pop and at the time one of the world’s most wanted men—hid out at my family’s house.
Among his staff, Jackson was referred to as the Principal. In our family, he was known as the Secret—one we kept for nine days five years ago. We believed then, and do now, that not revealing Jackson’s whereabouts was the right thing to do. Now that he’s gone, I can tell why and how we did it.
It was March 2004. The previous year, Jackson had appeared on TV explaining why he believed it to be normal for adults to share their beds with children, that it was the most loving thing you could do. What he saw as innocent a Los Angeles district attorney saw as criminal. Rumors were swirling that Jackson would be indicted on charges of child molestation by an LA grand jury. The King of Pop became a subject of ridicule. Gone was the cute boy who had swooned his way into the hearts of generations. He was replaced by a man-child, a suspected pedophile.
In April 2004, Jackson was to receive an award from the African Ambassadors’ Spouses Association for his humanitarian work. But few of the journalists seeking credentials for the event cared about his work in Africa—they wanted to ask him about what had happened at Jackson’s Neverland Ranch. So a routine trip to Washington became anything but routine. Jackson needed a place to stay, and those closest to him were finding that there was no acceptable room in a Washington hotel.
The real-estate agent assigned to locate lodgings for him was running out of options. Stopping for a bite to eat, she saw the April 2004 Washingtonian. It featured a “Great Places to Live” article with me, my wife, and our two children on the cover. The story talked about how we had designed a house near Leesburg with no walls and plenty of open space. The agent knew us well enough to pick up the phone and ask whether we’d consider allowing Michael Jackson and his children to stay in our home.
What would you have done if a friend had called out of the blue and suggested that Michael Jackson might be interested in staying at your home? We first assumed she was joking. But she was serious.
On the previous Sunday, the sermon delivered by our minister, Reverend Dr. Norman A. Tate, had been about the Good Samaritan. Reverend Tate was the first person we consulted. Should we offer Michael Jackson safe haven? That night, following a lengthy family discussion and vote, we ironed out the details and began preparing for the Jackson family’s arrival.
Michael Jackson traveled with an entourage of 14. There were two cooks, three nannies, three children, personal assistants, tutors, security men, and Jackson himself. He moves in, you move out. (We stayed at a hotel.) Those who surrounded him called him the Client or the Principal. Rarely was he referred to by name. There were stretch Hummers and Suburbans that suggested a visit by a head of state—which is what our neighbors suspected.
Before he moved in, the house had to be prepared. His entourage covered all glass windows and doors. He was to have white bed linens and towels only. His favorite scent, a mountain fragrance, was sprayed everywhere and lingered for weeks after his departure.
Then, under the cover of darkness, he arrived. His private jet flew in and out of the Leesburg airport.
That evening as he moved in, we dined at a local restaurant, courtesy of the entertainer, and wondered whether he was enjoying our house as much as we did. We wondered whether he admired the views of the Blue Ridge Mountains from the deck and whether he took a stroll and noted the seven species of birds that call our acres home. Did he play the baby grand piano? Did his children frolic in the small dance studio? Would he enjoy the pool and hot tub and five acres, or would he just hole up and hide?
The next morning brought invitations for us to attend several events, including a BET reception and the African ambassadors’ reception.
Before Jackson’s arrival at the BET affair, a who’s who of Washington’s African-Amercan elite waited patiently. There were plenty of nasty remarks; some couples talked about how they wouldn’t let their children anywhere near Jackson. Then he arrived and the stampede began. Those who had ridiculed him the most were first in line.
His assistant ushered us to the front of the receiving line. We were told Jackson wanted to meet us first to thank us for allowing him and his children to use our home. He talked about the family pictures on the walls and how comfortable the place felt.
It was all very pleasant, but you could tell there was something unsettled about him. You could tell what he coveted most: He’d grown up without a childhood, and our house is filled with the kind of childhood memories money can’t buy—baptisms, first-birthday parties, family adventures.
To keep his stay at our house secret, we arrived there in the morning in time for the school bus to pick up one of our two daughters. We were always met by one of Jackson’s bodyguards dressed in all black. I finally told him that if he wanted Jackson’s presence to remain secret, he shouldn’t meet us every morning looking like Mr. T.

Michael Jackson Slept Here

Reporters were in high gear searching for Jackson.
We feared a media circus in our neighborhood. Our daughters, then 13 and 15, went to school each day wondering if their world would unravel.
On day eight, we were surprised Jackson wasn’t ready to leave, as the agreement had called for. That night, he arranged for a private wine-and-cheese reception at our own house so our children could meet his. He was more than gracious. While I worked, my wife and daughters were greeted by Jackson and his three kids. They spoke of childhood and normality. His children were very talkative; he was soft-spoken but playful. My wife described him as a gentle soul who obviously loved his children and they him. He also was willing to discipline his kids. He posed for pictures and agreed to autograph many things, including CDs.
By day nine, Jackson and his children were gone.
The empty wine bottles hidden around the house hinted at a man we now know was deeply tormented. There were other signs, but my wife and I have agreed they will remain secret. We knew from his representatives that Jackson tended to live nocturnally, sleeping during the day and roaming the house at night.
A visit by guests to our house now always leads to a conversation about Jackson’s visit. His picture, taken when he was standing by our baby grand piano, sits atop a table in the living room. Almost everyone sees it and wonders what it was like to talk to him and have him live in our home.
I’m always asked why I’ve never talked about Michael Jackson’s stay at our house. I say I met Jackson three times in my life—twice face to face.
Most African-Americans of my generation were introduced to a young Michael Jackson through the radio or by a friend who had one of his records. For me it was a 45-RPM played at Sonny Mason’s barbershop in my hometown of Wheeling, West Virginia.
The second encounter was in 1984 when Jackson and his brothers kicked off their Victory Tour in Kansas City. I stood out among the other reporters covering it because I didn’t appear to care about Michael Jackson the celebrity as much as I did the revenue the tour represented in the cities it visited. That night, I received two tickets to attend the concert and a private reception at Kansas City’s Arrowhead Stadium. In a receiving line for the Jacksons following the concert, I met Michael in person for the first time.
The third time was the Washington visit.
I, too, wonder why I’ve never talked before about his stay in our home. Was it because Jackson and I were the same age or the fact that, like so many African-Americans, I liked to remember the little kid from Gary, Indiana, more than I did the man with another reputation?
Perhaps, as Reverend Tate suggested, it was just the right thing to do.
As word of Michael Jackson’s death on June 25 spread, my family mourned the man we’d met not as the King of Pop but as a person trapped inside a world that was and was not of his own creation, a man who came to us through his representatives in need of a place to stay. As I sat on our deck and looked west toward the Blue Ridge Mountains, I hoped he now was seeing what I see each and every night—a perfect sunset.
This article first appeared in the August 2009 issue of The Washingtonian. For more articles from that issue, click here

Michael Jackson Slept Here - News & Features (washingtonian.com)

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